Logo, Brand Identity, Collateral
Project Completed at Coeval Interior Design Studio - Dallas, TX, USA

Picolé Pops

With 3 locations in Texas, Picolé Pops is growing fast. This family-owned and operated popsicle shop is transforming the ice cream scene with its offer of mouthwatering Brazilian paletas, which includes: Fruity ice pops, creamy ice cream pops dunked in toppings, and alcohol-infused pops.
I wanted to bring some of their Brazilian heritage into the brand, taking inspiration from the Haas&Hahn Favela Painting projects in Rio de Janeiro.

Family-run Picolé Pop specializes in gourmet ice pops, including alcohol-infused and sweet-filled ones.

Picolé means popsicle in Portuguese, and it's one of the most instagramables shops in Dallas thanks to their extended menu offer and colorful interior design.


Harvest Builders


Founders & Farmers